1. When am I eligible to file for Social Security Benefits?
You’re eligible to file for Social Security benefits once you have been age 62 for an entire month. This is referred to as the Month of Entitlement (MOET). The Social Security Administration has determined that you attain the age 62 one day before your birthday for filing purposes. Meaning if your 62nd birthday falls on October 3rd, you’ll attain age 62 the day before on October 2nd. But because you will attain age 62 on the 2nd, you won’t be considered age 62 for the entire month, so you won’t be able to file until the following month of November. However, if your birthday falls on the 2nd, you would be able to file for benefits during October because you would attain age 62 on the 1st and be considered 62 for the entire month of October. You will always receive your benefit check in the month following the month for which it is due.